BTEC Media Studies Jun.2014 | Page 21

The first step I did was change the blend mode of the layer to multiply after duplicating the layer. Since Multiply is a darkening blend mode, it darkened everything in the photo.

I have also created another example of multiply using a frame around the picture.

To include the main photo in the frame I simply changed the gradient layer’s blend mode to Overlay which allowed Photoshop to automatically drop out the white and leave just the black frame around the photo without any selections. Then I easily changed the gradient layers blend mode to Soft Light and opened the picture of the texture wall to finalise the image into this one.

Unit 54: Digital Graphic for Print

The unit is to introduce the basic tools and techniques of digital graphics software used to produce images. Also, reflect critically on own work.

This unit includes explaining the difference between vector and raster images, different file formats and extentions with advantages and disadvantages as well as knowing which file type is best for each interative media product whether it be for websites or business cards.

The two images on the right were made by myself after completing the unit. A critical evaluation was made to evaluate the unit. The evaluation includes improvements, different stages of production and the effectiveness of the movie poster for the suggested audience.