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How can access to cyber systems create an economic gain if not detected ? How does this situation differ from disrupting a critical infrastructure system ? What are some other motives malicious actors may have for accessing or disrupting a critical infrastructure system ? ( Minimum of 250 words )
Why are humans considered a critical infrastructure asset ? What security practices must be done to protect them from being exploited ? ( Minimum of 250 words )
What are three potential motives terrorists or other malicious actors have for exploiting humans and property assets ? What are some security measures in place to protect these assets ? How do the motives of individual malicious actors differ from those of malicious groups ? Explain your response . ( Minimum of 250 words )
BSS 482 DQ threats to infrastructure assets
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What types of threats do humans pose to infrastructure assets ? How have threats from malicious actors evolved with technology advancements ? What physical techniques and cybertechniques do terrorists and malicious actors use ? Provide examples . ( Minimum of 200 words )
BSS 482 Literature Review and Mitigating Risks Annotated Bibliography FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
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