BSS 482 mentor Career Begins/bss BSS 482 mentor Career Begins/bss | Page 5

Answer the following questions in your paper : What department , agency , or government partner do you work for ? It must be from one of the following categories : Federal , state , or local agency ( other than the Department of Homeland Security ) Tribal nation Private-sector owner or operator What is your position title ? What are your job responsibilities ? If you are an owner or operator , define your business and its involvement in protecting critical infrastructure . What is national critical infrastructure , and how does it relate to your job position ? What is your organization ’ s role in the critical infrastructure sector ? Why are partnerships important in the critical infrastructure field ? Who are your organization ’ s potential partners at various government levels ? Who are your organization ’ s potential partners in the private sector ? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines =========================================================
BSS 482 Week 2 Infrastructure Asset Protection

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Infrastructure Asset Protection Explain Briefly describe how computers and humans can pose risks to infrastructure assets . Identify two physical techniques and two cybertechniques used to attack communications infrastructure . Explain the implications of the risks and techniques on critical infrastructure sectors . Describe how humans and computers can protect against the risks and techniques . ( Minimum of 550 words ) With proper citation and reference . =========================================================