BSO2425_SeasonBrochure_Renewal_8.5x11_Web | Page 15

“ Classical music is one of the greatest art forms in the world …

“ Classical music is one of the greatest art forms in the world …

and it ’ s for everybody .

Anyone can be enamored by this music .”

Crafting a concert program is about building both musical and human connections .
Intentional programming ties together strands of history into a rich tapestry that we all can share and appreciate . It proves that symphonic music , regardless of whether it was written yesterday or centuries ago , remains as meaningful and relevant in this age as it was in any other . It ensures that , when we lift our arms to make music , it means something .
I believe deeply in the power of symphonic music , so when I choose a piece to program , it must be intentional . Sometimes , this means shedding new light on well-loved standards of the orchestral repertoire . Other times , it might mean breaking down musical barriers — for instance exploring the convergence of classical and jazz , one important theme this upcoming season .
The BSO possesses a sound unlike any other orchestra , and its audiences are equally unique .
This is why my programming aims not only to harness the unparalleled talent of the BSO musicians , but also to reflect the diverse needs , tastes , interests , and pride within our community . This is my vision and my promise — that together we will strive to be an exemplar of a symphony orchestra ’ s role within its community .
After all , we are your Baltimore Symphony Orchestra .
Jonathon Heyward ,
Music Director , Harvey M . and Lyn P . Meyerhoff Chair
Catch Jonathon in action : Sep 20 & 21 ; Sep 27-29 ; Nov 8-10 ; Nov 15-17 ;
Jan 9 , 11 , & 12 ; Jan 16-18 ; Feb 27-Mar 1 ; Mar 6-8 ; Mar 15 ; May 1 , 3 , & 4 ; Jun 5 , 7 , & 8 ; Jun 13 & 15