BSO2223_MusicForMD_TourBook_Pages_FINAL | Page 5


Wes Moore

Dear Friends :
Welcome to the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra ' s Music for Maryland Tour .
Music helps us understand the world around us : the struggle , and the joy . Music elevates , validates , and inspires . The Music for Maryland Tour is an amazing way to bring our communities together and celebrate the arts throughout our great state .
The First Lady and I are so proud to support the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and to serve as Honorary Chairs of this September ' s gala celebrations to welcome incoming Music Director Jonathon Heyward . Earlier this year , we were delighted to announce that the State of Maryland will provide the BSO with a $ 500,000 investment to help bring music to every corner of Maryland , working with community partners to build a state that embraces the power of the arts .
On behalf of the state of Maryland , I would like to thank the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra for their dedication to our communities . Music is how we tell our stories , and thanks to the BSO , a beautiful story is being told in Maryland .
Thank you for attending the Music for Maryland Tour and best wishes for a summer full of music !
Sincerely ,
Wes Moore Governor
100 State Circle , Annapolis , Maryland 21404 ( 410 ) 974-3400 1TY Users Call via MD Relay governor . maryland . gov