BSO2021_Sessions_ProgramBook_Dec_FINAL_Pages | Page 7

ADOLPHUS HAILSTORK Baroque Suite for String Orchestra

ADOLPHUS HAILSTORK Baroque Suite for String Orchestra

“ I ’ ve spent my entire career being honest with myself .” – Hailstork
Born 1941 in Rochester , NY
• Adolphus Hailstork was born in Rochester and grew up mostly in Albany , NY , where he studied piano and became a member of his church choir .
• Developing a greater interest in composition , Hailstork studied music at Howard University and Manhattan School of Music , as well as a summer in France studying with the legendary Nadia Boulanger .
• After serving in the Armed Forces for several years in Germany , Hailstork went on to earn a doctorate from Michigan State University .
• Hailstork has written numerous works for chorus , solo voice , piano , organ , chamber ensembles , orchestra , opera , and band , and his music has been performed by the top orchestras in the U . S ., including the New York Philharmonic , the Philadelphia Orchestra , and the Los Angeles Philharmonic .
• He considers himself a multi-stylist and incorporates a variety of influences and themes from U . S . history and current events in his works . Notable works include the award-winning Rise for Freedom , an opera about the Underground Railroad premiered by Cincinnati Opera , and I Speak of Peace in honor of John F . Kennedy .
• Today , Hailstork teaches at Old Dominion University where he continues to compose . He is currently working on the piece A Knee on a Neck , a requiem cantata for George Floyd .


MUSIC Ricky Martin ’ s “ Livin ’ la Vida Loca ”
LITERATURE The Dalai Lama ’ s Ancient Wisdom , Modern World
The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and Hailstork have a long history together — the BSO performed Hailstork ’ s Statement , Variations and Fugue in 1966 . Since then , the BSO has premiered other works of the composer throughout the years .
TECHNOLOGY Napster is created
• Composed in 1999 , this piece is an adaption of a work originally written for violin and harpsichord .
• Hailstork became inspired to write a work for baroque violin by friend and violinist Martha Perry , to whom the piece is dedicated .
• The work blends traditional baroque elements with Hailstork ’ s modern sound to produce a subtly complex work that bridges two vastly different eras .
FILM Fight Club
HISTORY The Euro currency is established