BSO2021_AnnualReview | Page 17

m subscriptions , ticket sales , acing several unknowns and a es taken by musicians and staff O remains poised to emerge as possible .
ition to a second $ 2M Paycheck ID relief funds from various local ue losses and support pandemicplies for our digital programming
he majority of all 2020-21 f their cancelled tickets outright . a 62 % donor renewal rate and growth in Membership ( gifts of
itigated operating deficit and eness ’ reconciliation of our first
lso received stabilizing the first year in a five-year , and ( restricted for FY2022 ). A d and restricted for FY2022 to erge from the pandemic .
PPP loan will be forgiven and

$ 2.9M

Payouts to Maryland-based businesses

48 %

of subscribers donating all or part of their 2020-21 tickets , resulting in $ 657,000 in outright donations