BSO_Overture_Sept_Oct | Page 4



W elcome to the 2022 – 23 Season ! This summer was filled with joyous occasions , from joining the city ’ s official Fourth of July performance at the Inner Harbor to the launch of our Music for Maryland Tour . And , perhaps the most exciting moment of the summer , the announcement of our next Music Director .

In the 2023 – 24 season , Jonathon Heyward will begin his tenure as Music Director . His connection with the Orchestra , passion for community engagement and education , and innovative ideas for programming are just a few of the traits that garnered a unanimous vote from the search committee , made up of community members , staff , and musicians alike . If you haven ’ t yet had the opportunity to see Jonathon conduct , be sure to mark your calendars for May 4 – 7 and May 19 – 21 , during which Jonathon will conduct two subscription weekends as Music Director Designate — both at the Meyerhoff and Strathmore . You can read more about Jonathon and his recent Lincoln Center debut on page 5 .
Mike Morgan
FRI , DEC 2 , 8 PM MEYERHOFF Steve Hackman , conductor
SAT , DEC 31 , 8 PM MEYERHOFF Steve Hackman , conductor
SAT , MAR 18 , 8 PM MEYERHOFF Steve Hackman , conductor
For now , we ’ re kicking off the 2022 – 23 season by celebrating the 40 th anniversary of the Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall , one of our city ’ s greatest assets . Within this issue of Overture , you can read more about the history of the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall and how friendship built a world class symphony hall . All season long , a special exhibit will also be in the lobby of the Meyerhoff , bringing the hall ’ s origin story to life through historical documentation and inviting audience members to consider the next 40 years through the work of local artists .
But the Meyerhoff is much more than just the home of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra ; it is a great cultural arts institution for the entire city . Just as we are committed to bringing the Orchestra out of the concert hall and into community locations throughout the State , we are also committed to bringing even more talent to the Meyerhoff through our “ Hall for All ” initiative .
Together , with our second home at The Music Center at Strathmore and the incoming leadership of Jonathon Heyward , the Baltimore Symphony is better poised than ever before to realize its potential and achieve extraordinary heights .
We hope you ’ ll continue to join us for what is sure to be an extraordinary season !
Mark C . Hanson President and CEO
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
2 OVERTURE / BSOmusic . org