BSO_Overture_Sept_Oct | Page 17




eight horns , six trumpets , six trombones , two tubas , timpani , percussion , two harps , celeste , organ , harp , and strings .
Musical Terms Rondo : A musical form with a recurring musical theme . Program music : A musical composition that is intended to evoke a scene , communicate an idea , or tell a story . Polyphony : A style of musical composition consisting of two or more simultaneous lines of independent melody . Dissonance : is used to describe musical sounds that build tension . It may sound like the notes clash with each other and create a harsh sound . Crescendo : A gradual increase in volume . Romantic Period : A stylistic movement ap proximately from 1800 to 1910 . Romantic composers established a sound that is characterized as individualistic , emotional , and dramatic .
By Paula Maust
Shortly after his 1883 arrival in Kassel to be the Royal Music and Choral Director at the Hoftheater , Mahler became infatuated with Johanna Richter . A native of Danzig , the 22-year-old Richter was already gaining renown as a coloratura soprano . She was especially revered for her renditions of Mozart ’ s Konstanze ( Die Entführung aus dem Serail ) and Königin der Nacht ( Die Zauberflöte ); Verdi ’ s Leonora ( Il trovatore ); and Wagner ’ s Venus ( Tannhäuser ).
There are conflicting accounts of the circumstances of Mahler ’ s relationship with Richter , although the most detailed narratives occur in letters from Mahler to his friend Friedrich Löhr . It is unclear if the relationship developed beyond Mahler ’ s intense attraction , but it is certain that the entire situation caused him significant pain . Mahler wrote to Löhr , “ I am torn apart , my heart is bleeding ,
all is lost .” In Richter ’ s only surviving letter to Mahler , she refers to him as her friend , rather than lover . Indeed , a pregnancy would have destroyed her career , suggesting that perhaps Mahler ’ s affection remained unrequited .
Mahler expressed his profound ardor for Johanna in a series of six poems , four of which became the Songs of a Wayfarer . Mahler wrote to Löhr , “ The idea of the songs as a whole is that of a wayfaring man who has been stricken by fate and who now sets forth into the world , travelling wherever his road may lead him .” It is possible that Richter also inspired Mahler ’ s Symphony No . 1 , which he says , “ begins where the love affair ends .” Richter went on to have a successful career as a soloist and pedagogue , singing in Rotterdam , Cologne , Chemnitz , and Königsberg before returning to Danzig in 1896 . She retired from her stage career in 1904 and began teaching private students in 1906 . Unfortunately , no other information about her life and career after 1906 is extant .
Gallery Blue Door | 833 Park Ave , Baltimore | 410-802-6665 VISIT THE WEBSITE FOR CURRENT GALLERY HOURS OR A PRIVATE VISIT
Established in 2018 , Gallery Blue Door is a boutique contemporary fine art gallery in Mount Vernon .
James Knill Havana , Cuba . A Photographic Essay
Exhibit runs from 7 / 16 / 2022 – 10 / 8 / 2022
Henry Johnson Interior ~ Exterior
Opening Reception : 8 / 13 / 2022 ( 4 – 6pm ) Exhibit runs through 10 / 29 / 2022
Amanda Johnson Eye Contact
Opening Reception : 8 / 13 / 2022 ( 4 – 6 pm ) Exhibit runs through 10 / 29 / 2022
Learn about current exhibits as well as the upcoming exhibits Watcher of the Burning Road from Brian Truesdale , Planets from Scott Ponemone , and Enormously Small from Michelle Spiziri .