BSO_Overture_NOV_DEC | Page 38



Planned gifts are essential in empowering our Orchestra to instill a love of music in current audiences and future generations . We are deeply grateful to our Legato Circle members for remembering the BSO and the Baltimore Symphony Endowment Trust in their estate plans .
Anonymous ( 5 ) George and Frances Alderson Donna and Paul Amico Dr . James M . Anthony Paul E . Araujo John Baker Hellmut Bauer Charles Baughman Janet Bedell Nancy H . Berger Mr . Alan H . Bergstein and
Mrs . Carol A . Joffe Barry D . and Linda F . Berman Deborah R . Berman Mr . David H . Bernstein Bea and Roger Blacklow Ellen Baron Blaustein and Mordecai P . Blaustein , M . D . John and Marjorie Blodgett Mrs . Alma T . Martien Bond Thomas S . and Barbara M . Bozzuto Sharon P . Brown Ms . Jeanne Brush John Cahill Katharine H . Caldwell Mrs . Constance R . Caplan Hosea T . Chew Mr . Harvey A . Cohen and Mr . Michael R . Tardif Harvey L . Cohen and Martha R . Krach Mark D . and Judith * L . Coplin Dr . and Mrs . Robert A . Cordes Albert and Margaret Counselman Rebecca Cowen-Hirsch and
John Hirsch Mr . and Mrs . William H . Cowie , Jr . Anna Weller Dahl
Athena and Scott Dalrymple Ronald E . Dencker James Doran Dr . Jeanne Dussault and
Mr . Mark Woodworth John and Donna Easton Carol and Alan Edelman Margaret A . Fallon Mr .* and Mrs . Maurice R . Feldman Debra Brown Felser and Gary Jay Felser Haswell M . and Madeline S . Franklin Dr . Martin Fritts and
Ms . Janna Unterzuber JoAnn and Jack Fruchtman John A . Galleazzi and Elizabeth A . Hennessey Audrey and Stanford G . Gann , Sr . George and Joan Marie Gebhardt Sandra Levi Gerstung Mrs . Norma Snow-Goldberg Patrick M . Green Bob Greenfield Stephanie R . Hack Gerri Hall and David Nickels Dr . Jane Halpern and Mr . James Pettit Carole B . Hamlin Ms . Denise A . Hargrove Gary C . Harn David Heckman Kristine Heine Barbara and Michael Hettleman Mrs . Betty J . Himeles and The Martin S . Himeles , Sr . Foundation Len and Betsy Homer Beth R . Horton Mr . Joel Horwich
Gwynne and Leonard * Horwits Mr .* and Mrs . Richard E . Hug David and Susan Hutton The Honorable * and Mrs . Christian M . Kahl Dr . Phyllis R . Kaplan Jo Ansley B . Kendig Anne Keys Peter T . Kjome Nicholas Klise Paul Konka and Susan Dugan-Konka Suzan Kiepper Krannich Charles Kuning Dr . James and Lynne LaCalle Dr . Sandra R . Leichtman Ruth and Jay Lenrow Lynne and Joseph J . Lentz , Jr . Joyce and Dr . Harry Letaw , Jr . Mr . Richard W . Ley Deborah and Edwin Lewis Constance J . Lieder Earl and Darielle Linehan Elaine Love Ann K . Luard Allan and Pam Malester Joy Mandel and Tim Nehl Mrs . George R . McClelland Charmaine Metallo Charles and Amy Miron Mrs . Joy Munster Drs . Erol and Julianne Oktay Mr . and Mrs . John A . Pecora William and Kathleen Pence Marge Penhallegon Beverly and Sam * Penn Alicia Pfund
Dr . Jonas R . Rappeport and Ms . Alma Smith Cornelius Ridgely William and Sandra B . Rogers Amalie R . Rothschild Doris Sanders Lois Schenck and Tod Myers Eugene * and Alice Schreiber Susan Sharp Burdette and Judith Short Susan and Charles * Shubin Mr . and Mrs . Richard Shure Jim and Sandy Smith Nancy E . Smith Dr . and Mrs .* Solomon H . Snyder Catherine R . Soares Karen Soisson Mr . Edward Steinhouse Dr .* and Mrs . Harry S . Stevens Harriet Stulman Leonard Topper Reggi and Bill Veatch Emmy L . Volenick Charles Emerson Walker , PhD Susan G . Waxter Jay M . Weinstein Len Wiener and Edie Herman Mark Wiesand W . Owen and Nancy J . Williams , Jr . Rebecca Wingate Jo Ann and Jack Wittmann Charles * and Shirley Wunder Ms . Ethel Zelenske
* Deceased
Highlighted : New member or pre-existing member with an updated , confirmed , or additional planned gift
We gratefully acknowledge Legato Circle members whom the BSO family lost within the past few years . They leave behind a transformative — and perpetual — philanthropic legacy with the Symphony . ( A complete listing of deceased Legato Circle members will appear in a future Overture .)
Harold D . Black Dr . Robert P . Burchard Margaret Luebbe Butler Mrs . Selma Carton Edward L . Clapp Mary L . desJardins Freda Dunn Richard L . Field Lois Gutman Kenneth L . Greif Hya Heine Charlotte Holland Leonard Horwits Dr . Murray Kappelman
Mrs . Barbara P . Katz Albert D . Keller Miss Dorothy B . Krug Bonnie J . Lake Robert C . Lienhardt Carol O ’ Connell Minkin Dr . Ruth Sragow Newhouse Linda Hambleton Panitz Marie Dubke Racz Harold Schlenger Dr . Charles Shubin Anita Lee Steele Thomas James Truby Mr . Calman J . Zamoiski , Jr .
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Visit plannedgiving . BSOmusic . org to participate in our survey about your giving interests .
If you have remembered the BSO in your estate plans but have not let us know , please share your secret ! If you want to learn more about planned giving , we welcome a conversation . To share your secret , learn more , or be connected to a financial / estate planning expert on our Planned Giving Advisory Council , contact : Les Goldsborough , Director of Philanthropic Planning : 410.783.8087 or lgoldsborough @ BSOmusic . org
36 OVERTURE / BSOmusic . org