BSO 2022AR_TC101822 HR | Page 12

2022 Re-Prioritization

A Hall for All
The Meyerhoff is an asset that will be more fully explored and utilized for the benefit of our community and the BSO . Activating more parts of the Hall , from the auditorium to the lobby , at concert events and on non-concert days , requires an expanded approach to community partnerships , audience engagement , rentals and presentations .
Destination Events
For many of us , the most compelling two-hour BSO concert is all that we need . For many others , that may not be enough . We are changing the way we do business to focus on offering a more compelling patron experience , including engagement from the stage , a robust array of pre- and post-event activity , and a reimagined food and beverage program . This strategy is not limited to one Hall but will extend to wherever we perform .
BSO for More
A concept reflected in our dual Baltimore / Montgomery County mandate and recently piloted Music for Maryland Summer Tour , we can do more , with even greater intentionality , for children and adults throughout the State . We can bring the Orchestra to traditional and less traditional venues all with programming that is relevant for every venue . This strategy includes pop-ups like Symphony in the City , but also extends to new concert options for audiences that prefer to attend closer to their home as well as expanded educational programming .
Simply , we can only realize new potential with more artistic , community and funding partners , and by being a true partner in return . This strategy will be central to Jonathon Heyward ’ s tenure , with “ hyper-local ” partnerships informing his inaugural 2023-24 season .
These strategies are independently important and interconnected . Our intent is to expand our valuable relationships across Maryland , nurture a growing sense of community with many more audiences , and build higher levels of donor confidence . In this way , we can make music an accessible , relatable , and integral part of every Marylander ’ s life ; fulfill our promise to our musician colleagues ; and create the culture of sustainable philanthropy that the Orchestra deserves .
2021-22 YEAR IN REVEW | 7