BSLA Fieldbook BSLA 2015 Spring Fieldbook | Page 43

etc. Project types ranged from small neighborhood parks and playgrounds to large multi-use facilities, bicycle paths, and environmentally and historically sensitive parks. Two aspects of this job that I enjoyed most were the satisfaction of actually seeing my designs implemented in a relatively short amount of time, and seeing children and adults enjoying and actively using the parks and playgrounds that I designed. Not having much exposure to the private practice world (other than managing consultant designed jobs while at the Parks Department), it was quite an adjustment for me to make the move from public to private practice when I decided to leave NYC and move back to the Boston area. I was also definitely leaving my comfort zone when I took the job at HNTB to work primarily with Engineers and very few Landscape Architects (I am currently the only Landscape Architect in HNTB’s Boston office). I must admit I was a bit nervous as I was entering uncharted waters— I wasn’t sure what types of jobs I would be working on and if they would be as rewarding as designing NYC parks. I learned quickly that HNTB provides design services for a wide range of project types and found myself involved in some exciting Landscape Architecture projects including parks, streetscapes, bike paths, trails, and greenways and historic landscapes. I have also expanded my knowledge base through collaboration with our Wetland Scientist on the design of wetland mitigation projects. An added benefit of working at a large national engineering firm is the huge pool of resources available and the ability to share work and resources among the different offices. One obvious difference between working at the NYC Parks Department and Started Out Education Now HNTB is that the majority of the projects are managed by engineers at HNTB, whereas Landscape Architecture was the lead discipline at the Parks Department. Both work experiences have provided great opportunities for me to grow as a Landscape Architect and I am glad I was able to experience both public and private sector R i g h t o f f t h e ba t ( a nd wi t h o ut a ny r e a l ex p e r i e nc e) , I wa s g ive n g r e a t r e s p o ns i bi l i t y a s p roj e c t ma na g e r f o r mu l t i p l e c o ns ul t a nt g e ne ra t e d d e s i g n c o nt ra c t s jobs. As the sole Landscape Architect in an engineering office, it has been an education working with and learning the language of the engineers, though I miss having a fellow LA around who speaks our language. I have enjoyed my time in both New York City and Boston and feel fortunate that I have been able to contribute to the shaping of these two great urban environments. This has truly been an amazing journey and I look forward to continuing to do what I knew I wanted to do with my life when I was in high school: to design outdoor spaces and places for people to enjoy, improving their quality of life now and for future generations. Landscape Architecture is not just my profession, it is my passion… I can’t imagine myself doing anything else. Beverly, MA BS, UMass Amherst (Environmental Design); MLA, UMass Amherst HNTB Corporation, Boston Boston Society of Landscape Architects Fieldbook 41