BSLA Fieldbook BSLA 2013 Fall Fieldbook | Page 28

ASLA 2013 Fellow: Works Jo se ph H ib b ard , A S L A Sasaki Associates Recognizes: Mastery of design in significant works which have advanced the art, stewardship, and social responsibility of landscape architecture. Joe Hibbard received his nomination for Works. His campus planning and design projects range from large public universities to private liberal arts institutions. He has worked on more than 60 campus plans in the United States and Japan and upholds a consistent philosophy that the local sense of place is the foundation for campus form. His projects for Sasaki Associates have contributed to the firm’s reputation as a national leader in comprehensive campus planning whose work is a model for others in the profession. His accomplishments exemplify interdisciplinary collaboration and an inclusive design approach that has celebrated the meaning and significance of landscape architecture to his clients. He received his BSLA and MLA from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Criteria: Exceptional accomplishments in planning and/or design, which have been sustained over an extended period of time. Completed works which demonstrate mastery of the art, stewardship, and social responsibility of landscape architecture. Projects that demonstrate outstanding quality and significant impact on the profession and the public evidenced through national recognition. ASLA 2013 Fellow: Knowledge Ro b er t L . Ryan , A S L A University of Massachusetts Recognizes: The creation of significant new knowledge that advances the profession of landscape architecture or the communication of knowledge to others with exceptional effect. At the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, he has increased the profession’s knowledge base with regard to human factors, green infrastructure planning and research methods. He represents the profession in policy arenas from visual resource management to sustainable sites and has enlightened us on how people develop emotional and psychological connections to landscape. He has taught a generation of landscape architects to engage in research as a practice strategy and thereby has inspired an ongoing quest to measure the effects of the profession on the world at large. He earned his BSLA at CalPoly San Luis Obispo and MLA, Master’s of Urban Planning, and PhD in Natural Resources and Environment from the University of Michigan. 26 BSLA 100 Criteria: Exceptional accomplishments sustained over an extended period of time. Specific influence of the nominee’s accomplishments on the profession’s and the public’s knowledge base of landscape architecture. Nominee’s role in advancing education and the profession.