BSHS 465 MENTOR Learn by Doing/ BSHS 465 MENTOR Learn by Doing/ | Page 9
where do they overlap? How much of the agency’s success in Part II is
based on implementation of values?
Describe the role staff self-awareness plays in their success.
The agency in Part II created a certain set of principles for their
professional lives. Provide three examples of these and explain how
they benefited the staff. How might these benefit you?
Format your paper consistent with APA
BSHS 465 Week 5 Cultural Competence Assessment Tool
Watch the “Multicultural Competence, Awareness, Knowledge, and
Skills” video found on the ERR page of your student website.
Create a cultural competence assessment tool for human services
Include an introduction to the tool that discusses cultural issues and
how they relate to the delivery of service. The tool should contain 30
original items that will be used to assess a human services
professional’s knowledge, skills, and experience regarding
multicultural factors in human services.
Use Ch. 4 of Working With People and the peer-reviewed journal
articles listed in your readings as guides.