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In Ch. 2 of Working With People, the author lists a “Bill of Rights” as a guide for the human services professional. Use the “Bill of Rights” as a guide. Each team member will create one right each for the human services professional, the human services client, and the relationship between the professional and the client. Create a 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation. Include the following: Provide an introduction. Explain why you chose your rights and why they are important to the professional, the client, and the srelationship between the two. Identify how each of your rights can contribute to the development of a useful guide to human services professionals. Provide a conclusion. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. ============================================== BSHS 465 Week 2 Transformative Leadership Paper, Part I (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Complete Part I of Stories of Transformative Leadership in the Human Services.