BSHS 442 TUTOR It's Your Life/ BSHS 442 TUTOR It's Your Life/ | Page 10

**** Mediation Interview **** =================================================== BSHS 442 Week 5 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . bshs442tutor . com
Who holds the power for creating social change within the social service industry ? Support your answer . =================================================== BSHS 442 Week 5 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . bshs442tutor . com

www . bshs442tutor . com

**** Mediation Interview **** =================================================== BSHS 442 Week 5 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . bshs442tutor . com

Who holds the power for creating social change within the social service industry ? Support your answer . =================================================== BSHS 442 Week 5 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . bshs442tutor . com

In your opinion , what are the 10 most critical issues challenging human
services agencies today ? Rank them from 1 to 10 in order of importance .