BSHS 425 STUDY It's Your Life/ BSHS 425 STUDY It's Your Life/ | Page 11

BSHS 425 Week 4 Community Agency Interviews Part IV Class ,
Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation that integrates the findings from the Learning Team discussion from Week One to Week Three , the Learning Team agency interview proposal , and the interview findings .
The presentation should be comprehensive and highlight the key findings of team member agency interviews . Include the following in your presentation :
§ Introductory slide ; § Six agency functions ( one slide for each function ); 1 . Planning : vision , mission , goals 2 . Design 3 . Development of human resources 4 . Supervision 5 . Budget and management of finance
6 . Monitoring and evaluation : What are the purposes and advantages ? How does information technology support the design process ?
Please also discuss : § Role of leadership § Influence of environmental factors