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BSHS 425 Week 3 Dream Agency Team Assignment Proposal Part II : Plan ( Proposal )– Due in Week 3
As a team you will discuss , share ideas and exchange your individual assignments from Week 2 . After review , you will discuss and agree on ONE Dream Agency out of your group and then develop a proposal . A proposal or your plan , will include the type of agency it is , the need , the population served , how many staff and the type , etc . NOTE : Pretend that you are trying to approach a funder who has money to give you for your Dream Agency , but they first want to know what it is all about . This is where the plan or the proposal comes in . Many other people in the community will also be trying to get this money for their Dream Agency . Therefore , your agency must shine on paper ! It must include all of the components listed below in Part II . Discuss the following with the team : § What population would you like to serve ? § What needs in your diverse communities are currently unmet ? How are cross-cultural needs and issues of diversity included ? § What does this Learning Team feel passionate about in terms of meeting a community need ? § What values do Learning Team Members share in common ? § What vision would Team Members like to see for their dream agency ? § What might be the overall mission ? § How will the general goals of operation entail ? § Address agency objectives using the SMART acronym found the “ Specification of Objectives ” section of Management of Human Service Programs . § Include discussion on budget development and importance of resource acquisitions such as grants , contracts , and contributions .