BSHS 425 Endless Education / BSHS 425 Endless Education / | Page 3

** See Full Community Agency Interview Assignment in student materials . Part II : Agency Interview Plan Please describe your Agency Interview Plan in 350 words ( 1 page ). The plan should include the following : § Name of the human service agency your team chose , a brief description of the agency , their target population , types of programming or services they offer § Purpose or mission of the agency , including goals or values if indicated § Each team member should include the dates of scheduled visits / phone calls for the interview , what position that person holds , or their role in the human service agency . ( Make sure this information is included in your paper and in your final assignment ) § What information does your team hope to gain from the interview and how this will be helpful . Submit the plan in Week 2 . Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment . ================================================== BSHS 425 Week 2 Empowerment Approach with Your
INDIVIDUAL Dream Agency HSM Paper
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** See Full Community Agency Interview Assignment in student materials . Part II : Agency Interview Plan Please describe your Agency Interview Plan in 350 words ( 1 page ). The plan should include the following : § Name of the human service agency your team chose , a brief description of the agency , their target population , types of programming or services they offer § Purpose or mission of the agency , including goals or values if indicated § Each team member should include the dates of scheduled visits / phone calls for the interview , what position that person holds , or their role in the human service agency . ( Make sure this information is included in your paper and in your final assignment ) § What information does your team hope to gain from the interview and how this will be helpful . Submit the plan in Week 2 . Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment . ================================================== BSHS 425 Week 2 Empowerment Approach with Your

INDIVIDUAL Dream Agency HSM Paper

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BSHS 425 Week 2 Empowerment Approach with Your INDIVIDUAL Dream Agency HSM Paper Class , Envision the ideal human service agency YOU ( not the team ) would like to create . This is your Dream Human Service Agency . It is something you have always thought of and now is your opportunity to create it on paper !