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BSHS 382 Week 4 Quiz FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . bshs382master . com

BSHS 382 Week 4 Quiz FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . bshs382master . com

1 . For the following pair of variables , which more naturally is the response variable and which is the explanatory variable ? College grade point average ( GPA ) and High school GPA
2 . Use the points on the right to answer the following questions .
a . Find the scores on x and y for each point . Comment on how zx and zy relate to each other for each point . b . Compute r using the z-scores for the four observations . Is this the value you expected to get for r ? Why ?
3 . Match the scatterplots to the right with the correlation values . 1 . r = 0.9 2 . r = 0.58 3 . r = 0 4 . The data on the right shows the percent of the population in a country that uses cell phones and their GDP . Let y = cell-phone use x = GDP .
a . The graph on the right shows a scatterplot . Describe this plot in terms of the variability of cell-phone use values for nations close to 0 on GDP .
Identify the nation that has less cell-phone use than you would expect , given their GDP .