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Informational Brochure Create an informational brochure, with a minimum of 350 words that you could present to someone who is not familiar with the field of human services but is contemplating a degree in the field. Include the following information in your brochure: Identify the characteristics human service professionals typically possess. Identify the various types and roles of human service professionals. =================================================== BSHS 305 Week 2 Learning Team Helping Field Summary FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discuss, as a Learning Team, why you chose to enter the helping field. Provide a 350-word summary in which you describe why professionals choose to enter the helping field. Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines. =================================================== BSHS 305 Week 3 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How does a client’s personal history and perception of services influence his or her overall level of engagement? =================================================== BSHS 305 Week 3 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT