BSE Newsletter Vol 1 | Page 4


Your organizational culture can be an asset or a liability. At times, the culture becomes an anchor that holds the organization from moving forward.

Organizational leaders instill the culture through their behavior and practice of the organization’s values. Leaders who understand the importance of culture has the opportunity to instill performance excellence throughout the organization.

Excellence is a journey through an ever changing landscape of new possibilities and methods. It is the best result that can be produced at a particular moment in time. Therefore, Excellence is something that can be achieved. But it can also be quickly lost as well.

Customers are drawn to Excellence. Customers want to experience Excellence and when they do they will tell their friends all about it. Word of mouth is the most targeted and effective form of advertising there is. You can’t buy it; it is a free gift from your satisfied customers.

So, continue pursuing Excellence and Success will follow.

Rajendra Ghag


Human Resource & Admin

Special Feature