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BSA 375 Team Assignment Testing and Installation ( software
testing approaches )

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Learning Team : Section 508 Compliance
Resources : Section 508 Website , including Sub part B As a team , prepare a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation that explains Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 . List several of the technical requirements placed on software applications (§ 1194.1 ) and web-based applications (§ 1194.22 ), then explain the purpose each serves . Incorporate additional research or academic information to support your presentation . Format your PowerPoint ® speaker notes according to APA guidelines . Submit your presentation as a Microsoft PowerPoint ® file to the Assignment Files tab =================================================

BSA 375 Team Assignment Testing and Installation ( software

testing approaches )

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Ch . 13 , " Systems Implementation " from the beginning of the chapter through to " Planning Installation ." Lynda . com ® video : Foundations of Programming : Software Quality Assurance with Aaron Dolberg . As a team , prepare a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation that lists and explains the types of software testing approaches . Explain why testing software is important .