BSA 375 Expect Success/ BSA 375 Expect Success/ | Page 14

Design requirements: input or output design, interface design, data model, and network model Cost-benefit analysis 2. Learning Team Assignment: Service Request SR-kf-013 (Due Week Five) Review the Service Request SR-kf-013 for Kudler Fine Foods. Define the scope and stakeholders associated with the project. Identify the preliminary assignments and tasks for each group member. Create a detailed outline for each section of the paper. Draft the first 4-6 page section of the due in Week Five. Include the following: Statement of Scope and Goals: Specify what functions will be included in the project. Identify the goals—include accomplishments, not a solution. Supporting Measures for Success: Specify tangible measures for determining the relative degree of success of the completed project. The measures must correlate with the goals specified in the first section of this deliverable. 3. Learning Team Assignment: Service Request SR-kf-013 (Due Week Five) Draft the next 4-6 page section of the due in Week Five. This should include: Determination of Requirements: Identify specific analysis methods used to determine user needs. List of Confirmed Requirements: Categorize each system requirement identified for the Week Two deliverable as mandatory or optional. Proposed System Process View: Provide a flowchart of the proposed process. Functional Allocation Modeling: Specify how each proposed system function would be allocated in terms of the required hardware, software, and Human-Computer Interface (HCI).