BSA 375 Expect Success/ BSA 375 Expect Success/ | Page 12

Based on Davidson and Kumagai’s (2008) article, list three advantages and risks associated with open source software. ============================================== BSA 375 week 4 Individual Assignment Service Request SRrm-004, Part 3 Paper - create using Riverpoint For more course tutorials visit Individual Assignment: Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 3 Paper  Complete section 3 of 3 for the final paper This week’s assignment incorporates the transition from design to implementation. You may consider revising sections 1 and 2 based upon faculty feedback.  Prepare a 4-6 page paper that accomplishes the following: Describe the implementation stage for this project. Include a discussion on the six major activities for the implementation stage as described within the text: 1. Coding. 2. Testing. 3. Installation. 4. Documentation. 5. Training. 6. Support. The discussion on these six activities must describe how each activity would be specifically planned for the individual project situation.