Bryn Athyn College Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 2017-18 | Page 30

running ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT header interclass , with a lot of different personalities , abilities and levels of mental awareness . It ’ s rare and hard work , and it ’ s powerful and beautiful .”
At first Anna made the food , but eventually more and more volunteers pitched in to help out . Anna said , “ Recently we had three fifth grade boys come . They aren ’ t really into gardening , but they love to cook , so they made the dinner . They used zucchini from the garden and made a chicken dish . They were so proud .”
Growing the Garden After hosting services in various parks , the Garden Church eventually found and leased an empty plot of land between two buildings . With a core crew , Anna began to build their garden and host services . Week after week , word began to spread — especially among the unhoused people in the area — that every Sunday evening you could get dinner at this outdoor spot .
This welcoming spirit remains a hallmark of the Garden Church . As Anna said , “ The power of this church is that it is truly interracial , intergenerational ,
God Is In This Anna brings to the Garden Church a belief in the “ sacramental nature of everything .” Almost everything they do — from the hand-washing ceremony before the meals , to the weeding in the garden , to the way they set up their chairs — has a deeper , spiritual intention . Anna said , “ When we do the rituals , we remember that God is in this .” One time , for example , she had people drop rose petals into compost with their hopes and prayers , smell the fragrance , and then put it back into the earth .
Another of Anna ’ s favorite rituals is offering Holy Supper , or Communion , at every service , representing God ’ s love and wisdom available to all . She explained , “ When we give the communion , we say , ‘ Beloved child of God , this is the bread of life given to you .’ Most people are not used to hearing that . They get to have human beings looking them in the eye and affirming their worth and God ’ s love for them . Just yesterday I got to look into 40 different faces , from the child playing with the watering can , to the addict who came and sat in the back , and remind every single person that they are loved .”
Anna added , “ Saying that phrase while looking in the eyes of others — including some of our more challenging members — reminds us of why we ’ re here . We ’ re keeping it real . People need to be fed , in body and in spirit . We need to remember that .”
Having dinner together is also a way to break down the barriers between classes . She said , “ Those of us that have houses and access to food need to remember that people right here — our neighbors and friends — are struggling .” And she added , “ For those of us who have resources , we might tend to feel ‘ good ’ about ourselves for helping others . It helps to remember that we also need to be on the receiving end , even in our worship space . We come around the table and eat together . We ’ re all people , and it ’ s dinner time . We ’ re all hungry . Let ’ s eat .”
30 | FALL / WINTER 2017-18