Brstje Brstje 2023/24 | Page 16

What is the animal?

Mountain gorilla's diet is mostly made of plants, leaves and stems, but they can also eat snails, ants and even rotting wood. They live in just two isolated groups. One in the Virunga volcanos and one in the National park in Uganda.

What is the problem?

It's a pretty rare animal and there's only around 1004 individuals left. One of the main reasons for that is habitat loss, hunting and diseases which are the most frequent cause of death.

How can we help?

 We can find information about it on web pages and on shows about animals and nature, such as National Geographic. We can help to protect them by donating money to organizations, which would maintain the biodiversity of their forest homes.

Ella Kolbl, 7. b




The mountain


Let's protect the

black rhino