Brownsboro ISD Education Foundation 2020 | Page 23

What do you want to tell the world about this student? Mr. Matthew Mekalip — a student of the highest quality in an honors level class...self-motivated and a did not take long for me to realize that he would be hugely successful at whatever route he chose for his life...this is a young man in whom you can be confident that any task he faces will be completed with the highest skill and attention to detail...cheerfully! Favorite Memory: I remember the almost inconspicuous smile on his face which indicated that he got the snarky and obscure jokes and comments that I rained down on his algebra class...he was one of the very few who did! Matthew, “Every man is guilty of the good he did not do” —Voltaire Take your gifts of hard work and intelligence and go do something to make this world a better place...not every one has the ability to do great do! - Coach Hatchell I’ll tell the world... “Remember, for everything you have lost, you have gained something else. Without the dark you would never see the stars.” ABOU T MAT THEW COLLE GE UT Ty : Plans to a ler to study ttend busin ess. FACT : I pla y the love b piano asket and I ball. HOBB IES: P la learni ng mu ying and sical i and b nstrum asket ents ball