brookSport Volume 9 | Page 24

If you're a guy that loves sports and your daughter plays sports, you already have the perfect connection with her. Just ask father and coach Camron Macon. You'll often see him at after school with his daughter Aeris by his side. What makes this relationship a little extra special is the time he spends working with her on the basketball court. It's one of the things that has threaded them together. When she was just 3-years-old he began coaching her physically and mentally. "Coaching is an extremely time consuming task," he admits. "My time is my MOST important possession, so it is awesome being able to invest my time into something I love, with someone I love, and it is all to benefit her future."

What’s your take on girls/young ladies and aggressiveness in the game of basketball?

I think girls can be just as aggressive in basketball, aggression is an internal force that is stronger in some based on their personality, but is still FUELED by passion (which is NOT gender determined). In the past I was trained by an extremely talented, passionate, and aggressive female that was a lady in heels, when she wasn’t “laced up”.

What do you feel your respon-sibility is as a “teacher/role model”?

I believe that I should show the younger generations (and anyone else watching) how important it is to care about others, seek to be observant to practice a lifestyle of learning (from every experience). Finally, to try to get wisdom and learn from the experiences of others, so you can minimize mistakes.

Did you play basketball in high school college?

I actually didn’t make the team in High School (freshmen year), then for my Senior year the coaches wanted me to come out, but I chose working over playing (would choose differently now).


by Joyce Oscar

What did she pick up on really quickly?

DEFENSE, she loves to play defense, she likes to “lock people up, a.k.a. put the cuffs on them”

What one thing is she struggling with that you’re working on

Learning how to direct her anger/frustration in to her game and not listen to the crowd.

How do you feel about kids playing-up (age group)?

Playing up is GREAT…if you are ready for it, I think the best would be for the player to play on current level and up a level, so they can practice confidence and execution (at the lower level), and face greater completion, speed, and develop a higher basketball I.Q. (at the higher level)

What do you think the difference is between coaching girls and coaching boys?

Skill development is usually higher in boys because many start playing at younger ages, than girls. Also bringing up issues, would take more thought in the delivery of the message with girls vs. guys (at least coming from a man).

How has it been for you coaching your daughter?

I have trained her for years (only coached her 1 game). It is…like a roller coaster! Some days are better than others. I see myself in her, I see her determination, and I see my flaws. It has helped me observe how she functions best, and how to present information in the best way for her to receive it. Sometimes I am too hard, other times she is more advanced and can handle more than I think. I actually think it's easier for me, but takes more adjusting for my daughter, because she has to draw an imaginary line between Coach and Daddy.

A Bond Like No Other