brookSport Volume 5 | Page 14

e have all had to deal with defeat in

one way or another in our lifetime.

When you're an adult most times it's easy to handle. But how do young athletes deal with it and does it help to shape their lives?

"In athletics defeat is eventually inevitable," says senior Point Guard Dwight Murray of the boys varsity basketball team. "I've handled it really well. It has made me grow as a man and it showed me that I should never give up." He says as a result of that defeat he went right back into the gym to work on his game.


How has dealing with defeat in competition helped you in other aspects of life?


Dwight believes that you really don't learn anything in victory because you're focusing on celebrating. "When you lose, it's on your mind 24/7," he admits. "You're asking yourself what you could have done better or what you need to work on to improve."

There is a quote by Magic Johnson that Dwight says comes to mind, when thinking about defeat. He said "There's winning and there's losing and in

Dwight Murray - Boys Varsity Basketball

life both will happen. What is never acceptable to me is quitting."

According to Dwight, defeat has motivated him a lot and is a big driving force in his competiveness. "It's a feeling that I don't want to experience so it makes me want to work even harder."

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