Brooks and Company Vol 1 | Page 13

Historic Landmark Refurbished into Griffin Destination Place

Historic Coca Cola Building 410 E Taylor Street Griffin , GA 30223
This iconic building has changed hands many times since being constructed in 1940 . Back in 1940 this building was a prized source of employment for our local community and thanks to new owner , John Carlisle , it is yet again . Mr . Carlisle has taken great pride in renovating this historic building and it shows . The Griffin Cola Company building offers historic appeal with modern amenities and the new tenants of this building are making the most of it . This building now offers everything the community needs . Currently , if you take a trip to this destination , you will find in an indoor setting : retail shopping ranging from clothing to furniture , attorneys , counseling services , beauty salons , esthetician services , massage therapy , yoga , a variety of insurance services , office supply sales , business services , a weight loss and Botox clinic and much more . It is truly a blessing for our community to have a building with such rich history housing numerous small businesses that feed back into our local economy . When you walk through the corridors of this beautifully renovated building , you are surrounded by opportunity for community growth . We should all take a cue from Mr . Carlisle and work to grow Griffin by supporting your local businesses . Start today by visiting this amazing hometown destination . Shop local , Love Your Community .
When you visit this destination , you will see that these locations have been filled by local businesses . For information about opening your business here , contact Home Place Properties at 770-229-9000 .