Brooks and Company 4th Qtr 2016 4th Qtr 2016 | Page 16
Christy’s Views
Sticks and Stones
The old saying sticks and stones may break my bones but
words will never hurt me... Well I'm here to call bull crap!
Words can do just as much damage as weapons. In fact words
are used as weapons more than weapons are. It's important to
speak with a filter.
Never speak while you are angry or upset. Never
speak when you are hurt with someone. Take time to process
your feelings and then speak. Once those words are out of the
mouth, they are just like bullets. Once fired you cannot put
them back. The scars are permanent.
Think back to your childhood. Do you remember
every time someone told you that they loved your hair do,
your outfit etc... Nope. But you most likely do remember
every time someone said something negative to or about you.
We can't change others. We can only change ourselves.
However, I do believe that eventually you get back what you
put out. It's really hard for someone to get into an argument
with someone who doesn't say anything back.
I'm not perfect, I've definitely used words as
weapons, but I am TRYING to think BEFORE I speak. I
am TRYING to remember what negative or hateful words
used on me felt like BEFORE I open my mouth.
Depression is real, bullies are real and you never
know what someone is dealing with on the inside. These poor
kids who commit suicide, they look fine on the outside. Robin
Williams looked fine on the outside. Who would think that
one of the funniest men on earth would be battling depression?
Words are powerful, let’s use them to promote
positivity! If you took the time to read this, I challenge you to
speak with a filter. I challenge you to go out of your way to
find something nice to say to everyone that you come in
contact with. I challenge you to approach a stranger in public
and tell them how nice they look, how well behaved their
children are, how cute their children are... Anything as long as
it's positive. You never know what an impact it can be on that
person’s life. I know life isn't all rainbows and unicorns but
because it's not is why my challenge is important!