Love Your Home
Tyler Carpenter Agency
410 E Taylor St Ste Q
Inside Historic Coca-Cola Building
Griffin, GA 30223
Bus: (770) 229-7240
Enjoy a safe summer
Summer is a busy time when most people are “on the go.” It’s
also a prime time for drownings, grill fires and home
burglaries. Keep yourself and your family safe this summer by
following these tips.
Dive into poolside precaution
Never let children into your pool without an adult
present. Even teenagers who are strong swimmers
should always have a companion.
Never leave children alone in the pool area, even for
just a few seconds to answer the phone or check the
Keep rescue equipment such as a shepherd’s hook or
life preserver at poolside. Also bring a portable
telephone along when people are in the water.
Remove all toys from the pool after swimming so
children aren’t tempted to reach for them and
possibly fall in. Don’t allow tricycles or wagons at
Prevent young children from climbing up into an
above-ground pool, even when it’s covered, by
securing, locking or removing the steps or ladder.
Check the applicable laws and ordinances in your
area regarding fencing requirements for pools.
As an extra precaution, always lock the pool area
when no adults are present.
Barbecue your food, not your home
Put your grill at least 15 feet from any building, and
grill only on a flat surface that can’t catch fire. Do
not grill on an apartment building balcony or deck.
Never use gasoline, alcohol or kerosene to start your
coals. Once the coals are on fire, glowing or
smoldering, don’t put on additional lighter fluid.
When you’re done cooking, soak the coals with water
and close the grill lid and any vents tightly. If you
have a gas grill, close the valve on the gas cylinder.
Don’t move the grill or remove the coals for 48
hours, unless you can safely move the coals into a
stainless steel pail.
Be sure you have homeowners or renter’s insurance.
Safeguard your home and possessions
Do not leave windows or patio doors open when
you’re away. Also, be sure to close and lock your
garage doors.
Keep trees and shrubs trimmed, especially near doors
and windows.
Secure patio doors with a lock.
Be sure to notify your neighbors if you’ll be gone for
an extended period.
Arrange for neighbors or friends to pick up
newspapers and mail.
Leave some shades up or curtains partially open so
that the house looks occupied. Consider putting
timers on your lamps and leave a radio playing.
Arrange to keep your lawn mowed and maintained.
Maybe ask a neighbor to park his/her car in your