Broker's Banter March/April 2017 CBD_BrokersBanter_March_April_2017 | Page 21

The Weekend is for Relaxing Use These Data Backed Tips To Close More Deals released a research paper titled Time- Based Closing Strategies: The High Cost of Procrastitation. Inside it, they used data from over 9.8 million sales opportunities to narrow down how closely your closing success is tied to a specific date. DON’T REACH OUT ON FRIDAY If it’s your weekend, it’s their weekend If it’s Friday and you’re already thinking about the weekend, your client is too. Unless you’re working in a time sensitive situation, it’s better to wait until Monday or Tuesday to make that call. According to the report, more than 760,000 deals were lost on Fridays. A much higher number than the rest of the week. The day of the week with the highest success rate? Tuesday. How do you feel about about putting off that call now? Not everything comes down to a day though. Make sure you’re putting in the effort to raise your credibility as well. Practice active listening. Ask questions. And see how your client is feeling. AVOID RUSHING CLIENTS AT MONTH END Many in the Mortgage Industry feel the looming pressure of needing to close by month end. Consider using the last day of the month to focus on deals already in process and use the start of the next month to reach out to those new prospects. Call Your Preferred Lender Absolute Mortgage Today! 425•822•7788 1 A division of Finance of America Mortgage LLC | Equal Housing Lender | NMLS 1071 | AZ BK-0910184 | COL Oversight DWEL L B ANKER DANFORTH B ROKER’ S Mortgage B ANTER | Lending M ARC H/AP Licensed by the Department of Business under the California | Residential Act RI L 2 0 1 7 21