Broker's Banter March/April 2017 CBD_BrokersBanter_March_April_2017 | Page 19

Thank you to our awesome team of volunteers who came out to the NW Harvest warehouse in Kent on March 4th and helped package up 3,400 pounds of oats which equals 2,654 meals for hungry families in Washington. UPCOMING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY SAVE THE DATE June 28th | For more information, contact Valerie at [email protected] Our next volunteer opportunity will be held on Wednesday, June 28th. We will be working with Habitat for Humanity of Pierce County on a building project. Please be on the lookout for additional information on this event as the date gets closer. COL DWEL L B ANKER DANFORTH | B ROKER’ S B ANTER | M ARC H/AP RI L 2 0 1 7 19