Brochures Data privacy brochure

District photo/video procedures Anoka-Hennepin staff, volunteers, representatives of the media and others may occasionally take photos and videotape students and staff in the district’s schools. These may be used in newsletters, newspapers, programs, yearbooks, brochures, on television, on web pages, in educational videos, and other appropriate uses. Parents/guardians may choose to limit the use of their child’s photo. When a child enrolls in an Anoka-Hennepin school, parents/guardians will be informed that their child’s photo is public data. Parents/guardians may choose to limit the use of their child’s data. They will be asked to choose either of the following options regarding photos: Partial Restriction: A child’s photo will be taken and used only for the school yearbook (individual and group photos for class and activities), the class photo and school identification records. Full Restriction: A child’s photo will be taken but used only for internal school identification records; it will not be used in the school yearbook/class photo. The parents’/guardians’ choice will be recorded in the child’s records. Parents/guardians may change their photo option choice at any time by completing a new photo option form, which is available from their school. This document is an overview This document is designed to provide Anoka-Hennepin employees with general guidelines about protecting student privacy. It does not address all of the laws and policies related to student records and data privacy. For more information on student data, contact your principal/supervisor, Director of Technology and Information Services, or the District General Counsel. Anoka-Hennepin’s Student Records Policy is available on-line at Go to the School Board section and click on School Board Policies. (500 students) Safeguarding Privacy: Guidelines for use of photos, student names, student work in school and school district publications (print, electronic, video) May we use photos of students on our web site? Yes. District policy allows use of student photos on classroom, school and school district websites unless parents have requested a restriction. Students may be identified by their full name. May student work be used on our web site? Yes. Student work may be used. It may be identified by first and last name. May student names be used on our web site? Yes. First and last names may be used. May school or student newsletter/newspapers be posted on school web sites? Yes. Anoka-Hennepin School District, in compliance with current statutes and regulations, and in recognition of its obligation to provide equal educational and employment opportunities for all persons within its jurisdiction, affirms that it will not discriminate on actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex/gender, marital status, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, age, family care leave status or veteran status. Upon request, Anoka-Hennepin will endeavor to provide reasonable accommodations to individuals (staff, students and their families, and community members) with disabilities so they can participate in the district’s programs, services and activities. Individuals with disabilities should notify the American with Disabilities Act coordinator or contact their building principal if they have a disability requiring special assistance or services and, if so, what services are required. This notification should occur as far in advance as possible of the school-sponsored function, program or meeting. Students who are disabled consistent with the definitions set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 will be identified, evaluated and provided free and appropriate public education, regardless of the severity of their handicap. All applicants and employees seeking employment with Anoka-Hennepin, will receive equal opportunities. This applies to all areas of employment including hiring, discharge, promotion, compensation, facilities, or privileges of employment. If requested, this brochure will be provided in an alternate format for individuals with disabilities or in another language for individuals whose primary language is not English. A minimum of three days notice is needed. Please call the Family Welcome Center at 763-506-7928 to request an alternate format or language. Rev. 12/2014 A Briefing on Student Information You are responsible Anoka-Hennepin School District employees, volunteers and others working on behalf of the district who use student data are responsible for protecting student privacy. This responsibility extends to the access, use, release and disposal of any information on students.