Brochure: Quality Transformation | Page 5

05 A WAY TO TURN CHALLENGE INTO OPPORTUNITY goetzpartners’ work with best-in-class quality organizations across manufacturing and services sectors shows it is possible to strive for and to attain zero defects and to ensure that employees shift the emphasis from QC to QA while being empowered to do so. In this ideal world, customers are regularly delighted, and QC firefighting is kept to a minimum; quality is widely recognized as a driver of value on both revenue and cost dimensions. ENVISIONING A WORLD-CLASS QUALITY ORGANIZATION QUALITY COST SPEED Continuously manage to simultaneously improve QUALITY, SPEED & COST Of course, it is one thing for senior executives to acknowledge the challenges in restoring that balance and quite another for them to take appropriate action. goetzpartners has developed a set of success factors that can help bridge that “action gap.” These factors have been assembled into a coherent five-part framework that quality chiefs and their colleagues can use to jump-start the necessary conversations with their leadership teams. Each part of the framework describes a hallmark of a world-class quality organization. Taken together, the hallmarks form the basis of a sound strategy for transforming the quality function and helping the Chief Quality Officer retain a seat at the strategic table. Let’s look at each in depth: