This is a foundation that was created in 1972, Ocean conservancy was founded in 1972 and has acquired different names during its history and in the same way they have increased and achieved many things for this ecosystem. This organization seeks the protection of the oceans and their living beings based on effective strategy, robust science and supporters. Its main purpose is to obtain solutions based on science to create a healthy ocean, the wildlife and the communities that depend on it.
In his early years, his work focused on species such as whales, seals and marine turtles. For example, one of their first initiatives was the Whale Protection Fund, which was focused on saving these and protesting against commercial whaling by Russia and Japan. The hard work they did with this commitment gave a great result since the International Whaling Commission banned commercial whaling in 1882. After this success they understood that they could not protect the species without protecting their habitat, so their thinking grew and they They began to focus on the ecosystem.
Today they seek and are dedicated to finding solutions to the greatest threats facing the ocean.