Breakthrough in ultra-low vibrations cryogenics making ultra-sensitive measurements easy
155 pA
Ultra-Sensitive Measurements from 1.8 K to 300 K ( hBN / Graphene )
The attoDRY2200 is a variable temperature cryostat with maximum magnetic field being available at all temperatures . Moreover , it features ultra-low vibrations in the entire temperature range . An example thereof is a conductive-tip AFM ( ct-AFM ) scan of hBN / graphene bilayer at 70 K . One can see a high-resolution moiré pattern with a superlattice constant of 15 nm , and a lateral resolution of at least 7.5 nm .
0 attoDRY2200 attoLIQUID2000 Vibrations on par with Liquid Cryostat
The comparison between attoDRY2200 and a liquid cryostat shows that both measurements yield the same resolution under similar measurement conditions . If anything , the ct-AFM image of tBLG shows slightly better signal-to-noise in the dry environment , confirming the excellent damping of vibrations in the attoDRY2200 .
* Sample courtesy of Jiacheng Zhu and Kin Fai Mak ( Cornell University , USA ); access to attoLIQUID2000 cryostat courtesy of Istvan Kezsmarki
( University of Augsburg , Germany ).
High-Resolution Moiré Pattern of Twisted Bilayer Graphene ( tBLG )
To benchmark the performance of attoDRY2200 , a ct-AFM measurement on twisted bilayer graphene ( tBLG ) was conducted . In our sample , two graphene sheets are twisted by an angle of 0.8 °, which yields a moiré superlattice constant of 18 nm . The measurement above clearly shows this moiré superlattice with lateral resolution at least as small as half of the distance between two superlattice nodes , i . e ., in this case 9 nm .
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