Human Resources
CIESA has been offering its clients over two decades of experience in Human Resources.
We recruit over 20,000 workers and 1,000 executives annually, to help improve our clients operations and business.
CIESA´s Human Resources division provides a variety of services designed to meet the needs of every client at
competitive costs.
We acknowledge the fact that each company has
different needs. Therefore, we offer exibility to
provide tailor made Human Resources solutions.
Recruiting and Personnel Selection
Recruitment of Personnel for Every Specic Area
Psychometric Evaluations According to the
Position´s Level
Medical Exam for Admission
Labor Investigation of the Candidates
Warranty on Executives Recruitment
Labor Outsourcing for Temporary and Permanent
Recruitment of Personnel for Every Specic Area
Pay Roll Administration including Fringe Benets,
Fiscal Obligations and Work Conicts
Partial Services
Socio Economic Studies of the Candidate
English Examinations such as TOEFL and TOEIC
Medical Exam for Admission
Labor Investigation
Labor Relations and Union Interaction
Pay Roll Administration
Payroll Calculation Considering Incidents,
Elaboration of Receipts, Reports, Discounts,
Payments, by Law Benets, and Additional
Concepts. Calculation of Settlements and
Liquidations, Calculation of Monthly and Annual
Additions, Deletions and Modications before
IMSS, Log Disabilities, Absences, File Generation
for Payment and SUA Process.
Annual Declaration of Wages and Salaries and
Monthly Report for Taxable Purposes.
Organizational Development and Training
Integrated Organizational Development Project
Training for Organizational Excellence in all Areas
Instruments for Diagnostic and Measurement
Assessment Center
Processes for Intergroup Evaluation (360)
Services provided in Monterrey, N.L., Saltillo, Coah., San Luis
Potosí, S.L.P., Celaya, Guanajuato and Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.
Ph. Mty. (81) 1929.5000 | Saltillo (844) 454.8310 | Nvo. Laredo (967) 718.1954 | San Luis Potosí (444) 824.2153 | Celaya (461) 215.0630