brochure_ALX_IR-neaSCOPE | Page 4

Tapping AFM-IR technology for nanoscale IR analysis

AFM-IR ( Atomic Force Microscopy InfraRed ) is a family of techniques based on detecting mechanical response of the AFM cantilever upon pulsed illumination of sample with IR light . AFM-IR family includes tapping and contact AFM-IR , primarily utilized for sample absorption mapping and spectroscopy of materials with relatively large absorption coefficient ( polymers , biomaterials , etc .).
All AFM-IR techniques require reliable suppression of mechanical crosstalk resulting from intrinsic coupling between IR response and tip / sample mechanics due to AFM detection of both signals . laser
parabolic mirror
mechanical detector
attocube tapping AFM-IR + utilizes unique active bimodal operation for reliable suppression of artificial contrast due to mechanical talk , enhancing surface sensitivity & lateral resolution .
AFM tip
Basic Probing Principle sample
focus pulsed IR laser light onto sample
illuminated sample absorbs IR radiation and thermally expands , exerting force on the AFM tip and stimulating cantilever motion
cantilever motion is detected using advanced AFM technology , delivering thermal expansion maps and spectra for spectroscopic IR analysis
probing volume
www . attocube . com