brochure_ALX_IR-neaSCOPE | Page 3

Highlighted Use-Cases polymer and biology research

neaSCOPE users unravel the complexities of polymers and biological materials at the nanoscale , expanding our knowledge and inspiring innovations that promise to revolutionize key research fields and transform crucial industries .
Investigate inclusion bodies in bacteria using labelfree identification of proteins , lipids , and DNA .
Block Co-Polymers
Engineer strong & flexible materials with unique properties for applications in automotive , electronics , and packaging .
Protein Monolayer
Analyze the secondary structure of protein monolayers to boost advancements in biomaterials engineering for degenerative brain diseases .
Polymer Heterostructures
Develop novel materials for organic photovoltaics , light-emitting diodes , field-effect transistors , and gas separation .
Study individual nanocellulose particles to advance the creation of biocompatible materials and biosensors or engineer advanced polymer nanocomposites .