Redefining AFM-IR Technology innovative nanoscale infrared analysis
IR-neaSCOPE is designed for nanoscale analysis that only requires measurements of IR absorption . It detects laser-induced photothermal expansion in the sample using mechanical AFM-IR detection . Requiring no IR detector and interferometry , IR-neaSCOPE provides a costefficient solution most suitable for samples with large thermal expansion coefficients ( e . g . polymers , biomaterials , etc .). IR‐neaSCOPE delivers IR absorption imaging , point-spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging . It is fully upgradeable to IR‐neaSCOPE + s for advanced capabilities and access to a larger variety of sample material classes .
Infrared analysis with AFM resolution
artefact-free absorption measurement
→ by decoupling efficiently optical from mechanical sample properties maximum performance without sample damage
→ by accurate focusing of all illumination power onto the tip high-quality results independent of user expertise
→ using intuitive software with a guided user interface
www . attocube . com