Brochure - ADF: 50 years of making a difference 2022 | Page 9

Floods and droughts have increased in frequency and intensity , particularly in Mozambique , Malawi and Zimbabwe . Tropical Cyclone Idai that struck Beira , Mozambique in March 2019 and continued on to Zimbabwe and Malawi , left in its wake , major havoc and destruction , loss of lives , displacements and damage to infrastructure and property .
Cyclone Kenneth that soon followed , in northern Mozambique , destroyed crops in the remote province of Cabo Delgado exacerbating the devastation in the region . The African Development Fund interventioned with $ 92 million through its Post Cyclone Idai and Kenneth Emergency Recovery and Resilience Program ( PCIREP ) to restore livelihoods , wellbeing and the resilience of the communities in the three affected countries . The 3-year program is enhancing agriculture productivity and resilience , sustainable socio-economic infrastructure and institutional strengthening and programme coordination .
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