Brochure - ADF: 50 years of making a difference 2022 | Page 18



The $ 259m Kazungula
Bridge and One-Stop Border Post and commissioned in 2021 , is paving the way for enhanced SADC integration and development .
Commissioned in 2021 , the 923-meter bridge with two border facilities on either side , is not only a win for Botswana and Zambia , it also contributes to integration in the southern Africa region , and illustrates development cooperation .
The bridge and One-Stop Border Posts will support trade and transport along the North-South Corridor , and indeed the Trans- African Highway on the Cape to Cairo route . The bridge also provides impetus to the recently launched African Continental Free Trade Area .
The total cost of the project was $ 259.3 million and was funded through the African Development Fund regional operations window , a contribution from the Botswana and Zambia governments , and a co-financing facility provide by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency and the EU- Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund .
The project is a combined transport configuration , including two car lanes in each direction , a single rail track , and pedestrian walkways on both sides . It also includes the construction of two One-Stop Border Posts , one on each side of the Zambia / Botswana border .
The project seeks to facilitate trade activities and the global competitiveness of Zambia and Botswana , improve the regional connectivity of the North-South corridor and contribute to improved regional integration of the Southern African Development Community ( SADC ).
16 50 Years I African Development Fund