Broadsight May 2014 | Page 11
Any of these behaviors can be accessed
just by tilting her head. You can use her
hands just like you would use joysticks.
When you touch her hands, you'll alter her
movements. Her specialty is the ability to
do an astounding 20 interactive routines
as well as 36 different functions.
WowWee has really outdone themselves
this time. With five different motors that
allow for twelve degees of free movement,
WowWee FemiSapien Humanoid Robot is
very sophisticated in her walking
movements, as well as other gestures.
Attentive: Femisapien
will see, hear, wander
and dance interactively
Learning: You can create
a dance routine for the
robot that it will play
Responsive: The dance
routine is performed
This robot is just a
taste of what will come
in future years for toy
She has five different motors that allow for
twelve degrees of free movement. She is
controllable by sound, sight or touch and
can detect music player. She will start to
dance in time to the beat. You can create a
dance routine and she will dance her little
booty off! She has infrared senses, which
enable her to see you from up to 1.2 feet
away and she also has sound senses that
allow her to hear you even if you are across
the room.
Give her six AA batteries and WowWee
FemiSapien Humanoid Robot is off to the
dances. This robot is just a taste of what
will come in future years for toy design.
You'll be amazed at how this robot can
interact with you and your children.
Because of the robotics involved, it is not
recommended that Femisapien be played
with outside.
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Mister Robot
May 2014 - Issue no. 12
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