Run your business like a business . Far too many entrepreneurs run their business like an extension of their personal finances . Bad idea . Very bad idea . Construct the right business en ty and keep it separate from your personal life .
Learn to say " yes " and " no " a lot . The two most important words business owners and founders have at their disposal are ^yes _ avd ^vo ._ Learv to say theu a lot . Avd that ueavs eivg decisive . The most important reason to focus – to be clear on what your company does – is to e lear ov all the thivgs it doesv ’ t do .
Know when and when not to be transparent . Transparency is as detrimental at some mes as it is beneficial at others . There are mes to share openly and mes to zip it . You need to know when and with whom to do one versus the other . It comes with experience .
Trust your gut . This phrase is o en repeated but rarely understood . It means that your own ins ncts are an extremely valuable decision-making tool . Too o en we end up sayivg iv retrospet avd Áith regret , ^Dauv , I kveÁ that Áas a ad idea ._ But the key is to know how to access your ins ncts . Just sit , be quiet , and listen to yourself .
Tip On Job / Work : Ratan Tata ove said a good thivg aout the Àalue of ove ’ s Áork . Iv today ’ s me , people categorize a job or work as big or small and then give respect to those who are at a high level of their respec ve work . But according to Tata , he said that one must not see how big or small the work is , do it with all your dedica on and joy and be aware that life will definitely throw many challenges yoru way but rather than turning away from it , just face it and you will emerge victorious
Broader Hindu Community Funeral No fica ons Gauteng Facebook Link - h ps :// www . facebook . com / groups / 253802428343105 /
Broader Hindu Community Business Network Facebook Link - h ps :// www . facebook . com / groups / 863934683742569 /
To join our WhatsApp funeral no fica ons or Business Network group , sms your name and number to : 0723888971
Hinduism is the ancient religion of India . It encompasses a rich variety of tradi ons that share common themes but do not cons tute a unified set of beliefs or prac ces .
Hinduism has no founder or date of origin . The authors and dates of most Hindu sacred texts are unknown , although the oldest text ( the Vedas ) are es mated to date from as early as 1500 BCE . Scholars describe Hinduism as the product of religious development in India that spans nearly 4,000 years , making it perhaps the oldest surviving world religion .
SOURCE : h p :// www . religionfacts . com / hinduism
Namaste ( The divine light in me honours the divine light in you ). My name is Shirdika Pillai , anyone who is familiar with geography and the languages of India , would
immediately gather sufficient informa on about me regarding my ancestry and heritage
based on my name . My dad [ s fauily was frou the south of Ivdia hence Pillai , uy uou [ s – from the north , hence , Shirdika . Thus I am a fusion of both these cultures . As a child , my sister and I were raised following both cultural tradi ons , i . e . those of the north and south . Whilst my friends o en lamented the fact that I fouvd uyself Zfas vg [ uore o ev thav they would , it was something I never ques oned , it was en rely normal for me . My parents never pressurized us to follow one way over another , we observed Purtassi with the same devo on as we did Gita Week . Today , I can honestly say that I am proud of having been raised to embrace and accept all tradi ons and cultural norms . I am proud to be a fusion of two different linguis c paths of Hinduism , whose prayers and tradi ons may differ , but whose ul mate aim and universal inten on is one-andthe-same . It is also one of the many reasons why I love being a Hindu . The fact that Hinduism is all-embracing ; accep ng and encompassing without being dictatorial is , for me , a beau ful thing . In this day and age where tolerance and respect for others is minimal , this sen ment needs to be encouraged . I au proud of beivg a Z halfie [/ a uovgrel / a fusiov . I am a Hindu and I love being so .
Nandri .
“ Entrepreneurship is all about how con�dent you are in changing something , because most of the people will not accept that change so go ahead and learn it .”