Broadcast Beat Magazine 2017 BroadcastAsia Special Edition | Page 35

By Cameron Jahn, AmpLive Livestreaming success boils down to 2 steps: create compelling con- tent and make sure people see it. Content creators can now ensure livestreaming success with an effective strategy for marketing live video. Massive audiences now spend hours everyday on Facebook Live, Periscope, Instagram Live, and YouTube Live. That means brands are missing out on unpar- alleled amounts of attention and engagement without a way to ensure livestreaming success. 1. Content Creation Live streaming allows you to instantly capture mindshare and become a thought leader in your market niche. And you don’t need a lot of investment in equipment and software. Polished, professional videos suck up precious resources, but live streams by nature are raw, unedited takes that create more authentic interactions with your audience. Creating live content is now much cheaper (no need for an expensive camera or a top-notch video edit- ing suite). Plow those savings on production cost into mapping out a compelling story. One easy formula to get started is to treat your live stream like a case study. Just share a situation that emphasizes a pain point you or your customers have experi- enced, expand on the business challenge caused by this scenario, and then round it off with what was learned along the way. Provide lots of information for both prospec- tive and existing customers during your live streams. Or feature an industry expert or existing customer who can share their knowledge with Broadcast Beat Magazine • • 35