Broadcast Beat Magazine 2016 NAB NY Special | Page 16

Tom Gittins,

CEO of Pebble Beach Systems

As I reflect on the conversations coming out of this year’s IBC Show and look forward to NAB in NY and Las Vegas, it’s clear that many media organizations are looking at the future of media distribution and consumption in completely new ways. While they may be able to see their future, they aren’t necessarily sure how to get there. IP and virtualization, although interesting for some channel types, can also represent a sea change and potential disruption that must be carefully managed. Many organizations have legacy automation and master control systems that are end-of-life and no longer supported. These groups are actively looking at ways in which they can evolve, but are also mindful of the impact a forklift upgrade could have to their operations. With industry consolidation and change being so constant, it’s no surprise that businesses are more cautious than ever about which suppliers they get into relationships with. Is the company profitable? Will they be bought for their technology and will their products be shelved soon after? Is the system completely proprietary or more open? These are all concerns what warrant a thorough vetting by customers.

Broadcasting from

the cloud?

At IBC, it came as no surprise that IP and virtualization continued to be a big topic of conversation, particularly with the larger broadcasters. It was also interesting to speak with a number of telcos who now see broadcast as a potential new market since these IT environments we’re moving towards are very familiar to them. If broadcasting hardware becomes COTS (commercial- off-the-shelf ) with IP and virtualization at its core, then most telcos might consider a “channel” to be just another rack in their facility. Perhaps they don’t yet completely understand everything that goes on in terms of workflows and specialized broadcasting expertise, however, it’s definitely a growing trend.

For Pebble Beach Systems,

Broadcast Playout

Where are we going and how will we know when we get there?