Broadcast Beat Magazine 2016 BroadcastAsia Edition | Page 39


VIDCHECKER, the Windows® software application, is simple to install on a PC or server. This tool can be accessed via web browser or across a network, and enhances workflow by vastly speeding-up such pre-distribution labor intensive tasks as checking conformance manually. VIDCHECKER simplifies workflow via multiple watch folders; content is filtered thru the program, pertinent reports are sent automatically and files are then sorted into pass/fail/or correction folders. The parameters are easily adjusted to set the ideal filter template in place, and filters can also be set to specific

video and loudness levels. The VIDCHECKER supports sub SD, SD, HD, 4K and mixed workflows while performing 4 levels of checking. Exception-ally cost effective while still being able to offer comprehensive online help (should it become nessessary). It just keeps getting better:

Ease Live

THIS product presents a glimpse of the future for all video program watchers EVERYWHERE! With Ease Live, you can add a layer of interactive graphics to any existing player, app or even a Set-top box! “Clickable” on-air graphics become available with this unique and (literally) engaging creation! With Ease Live, viewers can take their Sports offering to a completely new level, merging the well-known broadcast experience with the interactivity of future television – by being able to view the myriad selection of graphics available during the event. That’s right! Choose to display individual player statistics or overall team information during the show! Even access social media networks! YOU become the producer, controlling your own viewing experience! Take the Ease-y route: